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Jeanetter Gallacher

Wills, Probate, Tax and Trusts - Senior Paralegal

Jeanette Gallacher

Direct dial: 01202 377836

Connect with me

Jeanette joined Laceys as an office junior and then worked in various departments throughout the firm, obtaining valuable experience. She is now a paralegal and assists the lawyers within the Wills, Probate, Trusts and tax team.

Jeanette typically advises clients with;

  • Making applications to the Court of Protection for the appointment of Deputies to look after the financial affairs of clients who are no longer mentally capable to do so themselves;
  • Managing client affairs under Enduring and Lasting Powers of Attorney. support the solicitors in various jobs, drafting correspondence and documents and assist with probate administration, preparation of Inheritance Tax forms and Estate Accounts.

Jeanette also supports the solicitors in various jobs, including drafting correspondence and documents in relation to probate administration and preparation of Inheritance Tax forms and Estate Accounts.

Outside the office

Outside of work Jeanette enjoys long walks, eating out and travel.

  • 1977

  • 2003

  • Joined Laceys Solicitors
  • Became a Paralegal

Wills, Probate, Tax and Trusts

News & Insights

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