• people in a busy cafe meeting up

    Beware the Rogue Business Sales Agent….

    Although this is an issue that has been picked up and pretty widely covered in the press it still seems to be one that c

  • builders yellow helmet on a pile of bricks

    Court deals with £2m claim for damage caused by dangerous cladding.

    In considering a £2 million claim in respect of allegedly dangerous defects in the cladding of a property in Finsbury Sq

  • claims spelt out with dice

    Adjudication Scheme for Professional Negligence Claims.

    A revised adjudication scheme for professional negligence claims has been launched, updating the scheme that was launche

  • last will and testament with pen

    Deathbed will is upheld on appeal.

    A challenge to the deathbed will of a father by the daughters he cut out of his £4m estate just hours before his death i

  • old family pictures

    The risks of losing a contentious probate claim.

    Beneficiaries who challenge the validity of a will, and lose, run the risk of being ordered by the court to pay the exec

  • last will and testament with pen

    Father’s promises to entitle his son to £10 Million Farm.

    Promises that are freely made and relied upon can have the force of a contract and are capable of being enforced in cour

  • jet2

    “Best endeavours” … best avoided?

    The issue in the case of Jet2.com Limited v Blackpool Airport Limited [2012] EWCA Civ 417 was whether an airport operato

  • signing a contract

    High Court provides guidance on termination rights.

    In C&S Associates UK Ltd v Enterprise Insurance Company plc [2015] EWHC 3757 the court gave guidance on the variatio

  • pillars outside a courthouse

    Thinking of applying for a freezing order?  Think very carefully..

    Orders of the court which freeze the assets of an opponent – commonly regarded as one of the law’s “nuclear weapons” – a

  • outside of the supreme law court

    The Supreme Court unveils new rule on penalties.

    The Supreme Court has handed down two important judgments in relation to penalty clauses which go some way to clarifying

  • two businessmen shaking hands with a contract

    Unsigned contracts can still be binding.

    It is a common misconception that contracts must be in writing, and a less common misconception that written contracts b

  • pound coins and notes

    Be careful of granting vague credit terms.

    Businesses are often under commercial pressure to grant credit to important clients but the judgment in Trafigura PTE Lt

  • free advice on a chalkboard

    PART 1: Free advice but at what cost?

    The case of Burgess and anor v Lejonvarn [2016] EWHC 40 (TCC) serves as a cautionary tale that even where a professional

  • yellow protective hat sitting on a pile of bricks

    High Court Backing given to enforcement of adjudication awards.

    Adjudication is meant to be a swift and economical way to resolve contractual disputes in the construction industry, how

  • wild west cowboy

    Adjudication is not the Wild West of dispute resolution.

    The title of this article comes from Fraser J’s judgment in Beumer Group UK Ltd v Vinci Construction UK Ltd [2016] EWHC

  • Ella Gould

    Fundraising Initiatives.

    Laceys Solicitors have managed to raise a very impressive £1600 for several charities over the last few months by carryi

  • regulations and rules stamp

    Do you know your charity’s rules? The importance of understanding and following your charity’s constitution.

    Be honest, when was the last time you read your charity’s governing document (or it may be referred to as its constituti

  • GB and European flags

    Your commercial contracts post-brexit – what to expect.

    Like it or not, Brexit is now firmly on our horizons. Even if you forget the scaremongering headlines from the tabloids

  • Padlock on keyboard (data protection)

    Individuals being granted the right to compensation – are you ready for the latest changes in consumer law?

    According to various consumer reports, the UK is fraught with underhand tradesmen, with the majority of the population h

  • terms and conditions in highlighted text

    Whose terms of business apply? How to win the battle of the contracts.

    Allow me to describe a scenario that commercial lawyers see all too often. A business has invested considerable time and

  • facts and myths crossed out

    My word is my bond? Or is it? We take a look into contracts.

    Wisdom often comes from experience but (dare I say it?) our elders were not always correct. Man may have been conducting

  • european flag

    Changes to EU TM Law.

    What you need to know about the latest changes to European trade mark law. EU legislators have certainly been keeping us

  • stack of chocolate chip cookies

    Why you should be telling people about your cookies.

    The type of cookies I refer to has no calories, no affiliation with the lovable blue muppet from Sesame Street and provi

  • Padlock on keyboard (data protection)

    Data Protection: How to avoid fines.

    Last year, the Information Commissioners Office (ICO)  annual report revealed that they enforced fines totalling over 1

  • trademark

    Unsure if doing a Trade Mark search is worth the effort? Read on….

    Raise your hands, metaphorically of course,  if you are familiar with “Glee”, the US television series based around a gr

  • last will and testament with pen

    Inheritance Tax Update – The Residence Nil Rate Band

    From 6 April 2017 additional inheritance tax relief is being made available in the form of the residence nil rate band (

  • IHT letters with stack of coins

    Inheritance Tax – the importance of proper valuations.

    Most of us are aware that the role of an Executor when appointed under a Will is to administer the estate of a deceased

  • adult hands (parents) protecting baby feet

    Life Interest Trusts – helping protect your assets.

    It is often the case for married couples, or couples in a registered civil partnership, to want to do a straight forward

  • pile of suitcases at an airport

    Overtime and Commission. Know the holiday pay rules.

    The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has ruled that commission payments must be included when calculating holiday pay. B