• child and parent

    Negotiating changes to a child arrangements order

    If you had to go to court to obtain a child arrangements order, it probably came as a relief once it was in place and yo

  • The role of CAFCASS in a court case about child arrangements

    The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) works with families who need to go to court to sett

  • silhouette of separated couple with child

    What to do if your former partner is not complying with a child arrangement order?

    A child arrangement order (sometimes referred to as a CAO) is a court order which provides for a child to spend time wit

  • Effective Tips to Resolve Christmas Arrangements for Separated Parents

    December brings for children the excitement and anticipation of Christmas. But for separated parents it can bring additi

  • Guide to direct access arrangements for children

    Being separated from your child can be heart-wrenching, and yet some parents have to overcome some significant hurdles t

  • child on a computer

    Contact arrangements for children – indirect contact

    Along with the welfare issues to be considered when thinking how to meet your child’s needs, parents who are separating

  • Agreeing access arrangements for children – welfare considerations

    A relationship breakdown often means a dramatic change in life for all involved and when parents live apart, arrangement

  • sad boy looking out of the window

    Enforcing child contact arrangements

    Following the breakdown of a relationship, most parents can reach an agreement amicably regarding the arrangements for c

  • sad boy looking out of the window

    Implacable hostility over child arrangements or parental alienation?

    If you cannot reach an agreement with your former partner about arrangements for your children, one of you may apply to

  • alcohol misuse and families

    Alcohol Misuse and Family Arrangements: Key Insights

    While many adults drink alcohol responsibly, unfortunately there is a significant percentage of the adult population in

  • child and parent

    Agreeing time with your children following separation

    A separation will inevitably mean a change in the family dynamic, and you may be concerned about what this will mean for