• Young couple new homeowners with keys

    How to propose a cohabitation agreement

    Moving in with a loved one is an exciting time and the last thing on your mind is likely to be the seemingly unromantic

  • groom putting wedding ring on brides finger

    Do I have to agree to a prenup?

    If you've received a prenuptial agreement (commonly known as a ‘prenup’), hopefully, it doesn't come as a surprise. Thes

  • Young couple new homeowners with keys

    Six reasons why you may need a cohabitation agreement

    Moving in together is an important and exciting step in a relationship. Whether you are moving into a house or apartment

  • Is a postnuptial agreement part of your family business succession plan?

    The 2020s have been called ‘The Great Wealth Transfer,’ as £1 trillion of wealth built up by the ‘baby boomers’ is expec

  • wedding checklist

    Is a prenup part of your wedding planning?

    Hotels and wedding venues are busy hosting wedding fairs and gearing up for the wedding season, with everyone focused on

  • signing a pre-nup agreement

    Is your Pre-nuptial Agreement strategic business risk management?

    Managing risk is an essential part of any business operation and while personal relationships do not often appear high o

  • children in a classroom

    Resolving a family dispute over the choice of a child’s school

    Parents will always strive to do what is best for their children, but for separated parents this can sometimes lead to d

  • Couple with paperwork divorce separation

    Do we need to formalise our separation?

    If you are coming out of a relationship, whether you were cohabiting, married or in a civil partnership, you may be wond

  • Prenuptual Agreement

    Should you sign a prenuptual agreement?

    Bringing up the subject of a prenuptial agreement can be as daunting as popping the question, perhaps more so as it rais

  • Are you co-habiting? If things go wrong, make sure you are protected.

    If you are one of this growing group of co-habiting households in the UK  do you know your legal rights? Unfortunately,