• Is your Will up to date? Here’s why it matters

    This Update Your Will Week (3rd – 9th March 2025), we’re proud to support The Association of Lifetime Lawyers to highlig

  • What Does a Probate Lawyer Do?

    After a death, the deceased’s personal representatives, either executors or administrators, are responsible for winding

  • signing a last will and testament

    7 essential clauses you need in your Will

    Having a Will is an essential part of future-planning. It ensures that your chosen beneficiaries will be looked after an

  • Effective Succession Planning for Family Businesses

    Family businesses form the backbone of our economy, yet a staggering 69% of owners lack a detailed succession plan, and

  • 5 tips for avoiding Wills disputes

    Wills disputes can be damaging to family relationships as well as draining an estate of funds and causing lengthy delays

  • house, houses

    What will happen to my house when I die?

    If you are a property owner, you need to know what will happen to it in the future. Passing on a house is not always str

  • Last Will and Testament

    How do you make a Will for someone else? Statutory Wills explained

    If someone has lost the ability to make their own decisions, it may be possible to have a Will drawn up on their behalf.

  • carer looking after an elderly patient

    What is the role of the Court of Protection?

    The Court of Protection (CoP) fulfils a vital role in assisting individuals who no longer have the ability to manage the

  • Handling LPA Issues: What To Do If Your Attorney Passes Away

    Having a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place gives you the security of knowing that someone will be able to deal wi

  • New Powers of Attorney Act 2023 becomes law

    A new bill aimed at speeding up and simplifying the registration of Lasting Powers of Attorney has been passed by Parlia

  • inheritance tax on a pile of pound coins

    How to pay Inheritance Tax

    If you are dealing with the estate of someone who has died, you may need to pay Inheritance Tax (IHT). Some or all of th

  • make a will post-it note

    New Year, New Will

    Have you made any new year resolutions?  Perhaps one of them should be to make sure that you have a Will and that it is

  • last will and testament with pen

    8 reasons to use a Probate Practitioner for obtaining Probate and administering an estate

    Winding up an estate can be complex and time-consuming, but there are also other valid reasons why you might want to use

  • Protecting your Digital Assets for Future Generations

    In our increasingly digital world, the issue of digital assets after an individual's death has emerged as a complex and

  • old and young hands holding

    You can’t predict the future but you can plan for it.

    Most people wouldn’t think they will ever suffer memory loss which prevents them from making their own decisions. Today,

  • nurse holding elderly hand

    How to prepare for care home funding

    The issue of care home funding is not simple – you need to consider not only the financial implications or entering care

  • How gifts to charities can reduce your Inheritance Tax liability

    Many people choose to donate to charities during their lifetime. Lifetime donations and gifts under a Will to charities

  • Letter of Wishes explained

    If you have made a Will, you can also consider writing a letter of wishes to accompany it. We look at the purpose of a l

  • The Trust Register – Do I need to consider it?

    Unfortunately, you probably do! The Trust Register was set up to deal with new European Money Laundering Regulations to

  • last will and testament with pen

    Increase in the Statutory Legacy

    The government has raised the amount a spouse or civil partner can inherit if their partner dies without making a Will.

  • wedding bands

    Is your Will still valid after your divorce?

    Lots of people make a Will when they get married.  What happens to that Will when the relationship breaks down?  Divorce

  • Valuing a Property for Probate

    If you are dealing with an estate administration after someone has died and this includes dealing with their property, y

  • last will and testament with pen

    Lost Will? What if a Will can’t be found after someone’s death?

    Locating a Will after someone has died is not always easy. If you believe that the deceased made a Will, you should do a

  • What is an LPA certificate provider and what do they do?

    If you are making a Lasting Power of Attorney or LPA, you will need a certificate provider to sign the LPA. We take a lo

  • inheritance

    Widow wins 50% share of husband’s £1m estate

    A widow who was married to her husband for 66 years but left out of his Will has won her court case requesting a share o

  • inheritance

    Millennials prioritise parents over inheritance

    Research carried out by Barclays Wealth has found that nearly a third of millennials would prefer that their parents spe

  • Who is responsible for organising and paying for a funeral?

    After a death, one of the first tasks is to arrange the funeral. This is generally carried out by the deceased’s next of

  • meeting with elderly couple

    How long does an LPA last and can it be ended?

    A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) gives legal authority to a trusted friend or relative to make decisions and deal with

  • wedding bands

    Can I cut my spouse out of my Will?

    When you make your Will, you are entitled to leave your estate to your choice of beneficiary. While this means that you

  • Trust Registration Service – do the new rules apply to you?

    It has been necessary to register all UK and non-UK trusts where they are liable to pay mainstream UK tax (income tax, c

  • Lasting Power of Attorney reforms urgently needed

    With the current Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) system over thirty years old, the government’s consultation on reformin

  • last will and testament with pen

    How do I find a lost Will?

    A Will is crucial in making sure that an estate passes to the right people after someone dies. But sometimes it can be h

  • meeting with elderly couple

    Paying Inheritance Tax – what you need to know.

    For those dealing with someone’s estate after their death, the Inheritance Tax bill can come as a nasty shock. It needs

  • signing a document with your signature

    Looking to alter or end a Lasting Power of Attorney?

    A Lasting Power of Attorney or LPA is a document that gives legal authority to someone to deal with your affairs on your

  • social media icons

    Digital Assets and Social Media. What happens when I die?

    How often over the last few weeks have you scrolled through your social media, posting moments of your life? Now, even m