Fish Boxes and Mince Pies: The Unconventional Will That Ended Up in Court
Imagine writing your Will on the back of frozen fish and mince pie boxes.
It sounds unusual, but that’s exactly what Malcolm Chenery did before leaving his estate to The British Diabetic Association. The Will, written on two pieces of cardboard (one from a Young’s fish fillets box and the other from a Mr Kipling mince pie box), ended up in court (The British Diabetic Association v Chenery) due to questions about its validity.
Mr Chenery signed one of the pieces and had it witnessed by two neighbours the day before he passed away. However, because the Will was spread across two separate pieces of cardboard, the Probate Registry refused to grant letters of administration, noting that only one of the two pieces appeared to be formally executed.
After reviewing the case, the court determined that the two pieces of cardboard were intended to form a single valid Will. But the case highlights an important lesson – seeking professional advice when drafting and signing a Will minimises the risks of the Will being contested, saving loved ones, and beneficiaries, a significant amount of stress and uncertainty.
If you are dealing with a questionable Will and would like further advice, please contact one of our Wills and Probate Dispute Resolution experts today.
Alternatively, we can advise on all aspects of Will drafting, including tax planning and trusts. Contact our Wills team today.
This article is for general information only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Please note that the law may have changed since this article was published.
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