• child and parent

    Negotiating changes to a child arrangements order

    If you had to go to court to obtain a child arrangements order, it probably came as a relief once it was in place and yo

  • Effective Tips to Resolve Christmas Arrangements for Separated Parents

    December brings for children the excitement and anticipation of Christmas. But for separated parents it can bring additi

  • child on a computer

    Contact arrangements for children – indirect contact

    Along with the welfare issues to be considered when thinking how to meet your child’s needs, parents who are separating

  • Agreeing access arrangements for children – welfare considerations

    A relationship breakdown often means a dramatic change in life for all involved and when parents live apart, arrangement

  • Who is responsible for organising and paying for a funeral?

    After a death, one of the first tasks is to arrange the funeral. This is generally carried out by the deceased’s next of

  • alcohol misuse and families

    Alcohol Misuse and Family Arrangements: Key Insights

    While many adults drink alcohol responsibly, unfortunately there is a significant percentage of the adult population in