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Couple with paperwork divorce separation

Do we need to formalise our separation?

6th January 2021 by Jonathan Talbot

Categories: What's New?

If you are coming out of a relationship, whether you were cohabiting, married or in a civil partnership, you may be wondering if you need to formalise that separation?

Jonathan Talbot, head of Family Law at Laceys Solicitors says, ‘No matter how amicable your separation is, and whether you were married or not, it is wise to seek legal advice on your financial position as complications can arise in the future. A separation agreement can save you money and upset in the long run.’

A separation agreement is a formal contract which can be agreed between you and your former partner to determine the division of your financial assets and responsibilities.

You are not legally required to obtain a separation agreement, but it will provide you with reassurance and certainty as to where you stand. This will enable you to move forward and make key decisions about your own future, such as in regard to housing requirements.

Separation after marriage or a civil partnership

If you plan on getting a divorce or dissolution of your civil partnership, a separation agreement can be used to formalise the date when you started living apart and to agree the division of finances.  This can save the expense of dealing with your matrimonial finances through a contested court process in the future.

If you are not yet ready to proceed with a divorce or dissolution, then a separation agreement can benefit you in immediately helping you move on independently.  It is generally a quicker process than awaiting finalisation of the divorce and financial proceedings via court which can take many months.

Often couples will enter a separation agreement and then proceed with a non-contentious divorce or dissolution in the future, such as after two years separation.  This way neither party has to be blamed for the breakdown of the marriage which can save a lot of acrimony.

The advantages of a separation agreement

A separation agreement has many advantages.  Firstly, it can deal with finances and property that is held now as well as assets acquired in the future and is advantageous even if you have little or no capital at the time of separation.

There have been a number of cases in the past few years where, even decades after separation, a financial claim was made by a former spouse or civil partner.  For example, in the case of Wyatt v Vince the wife applied for financial relief some 18 years after divorce.  During the time of separation Mr Vince had founded a successful green energy business and Ms Wyatt was successful in obtaining a lump sum award despite the lapse in time.  If a separation agreement had been entered at the time of separation, Ms Wyatt would likely have received much less, and Mr Vince would have saved a significant amount in legal costs.

Your agreement can also be used during your divorce or dissolution court proceedings to seek a consent order for a more creative arrangement in dividing your assets.  For example, you may be very keen to protect a pension and may be prepared to offset your spouse or partner’s interest in this pension by offering them a larger interest in the matrimonial home.

When you enter the court arena, this type of bargaining and offsetting is taken out of your hands while a separation agreement would allow for this flexibility.  In fact, a separation agreement can be so wide as to also include terms regarding the responsibility each of you will take in relation to the upkeep and care of your children.

Finally, after separation, spouses and civil partners may be entitled to maintenance.  This maintenance is paid normally each month by the higher earning spouse to the lower earning spouse and helps you to adjust to your new life after separation.  A separation agreement can define what if any maintenance will be paid.

Separation and cohabiting couples

If you have been cohabiting with your partner without getting married or entering a civil partnership, then there is specific legislation that deals with this and you may be surprised to know you have no rights upon separation arising from your cohabitation but will have to rely upon your property rights.

A separation agreement will provide you with certainty and enable you to move forward in life confidently.

Cohabiting partners may have joint assets and liabilities and should seek to reach agreement over the division of their assets. Laceys can assist you in advising what documents need to be shown to your former partner, and advise what is a fair division of the assets.  If an agreement can be reached, we will draft the terms of the contract to ensure your interests are protected. Prior to entering any separation agreement, it will be necessary for you to make a full disclosure of your assets and liabilities to your partner.  They will be expected to do likewise and to obtain independent legal advice.

If a settlement cannot be agreed amicably, then it may be necessary for you to formulate a civil claim in court against your former partner.  For example, this could be to ask the court how the family home should be divided, which may be problematic if the house you cohabited was only in one of your names legally.  It is important that you obtain early legal advice in this scenario in order that the best case can be prepared for you, and your property interests protected.

Who does not need a separation agreement?

Not everyone will benefit from a separation agreement.  If you have been cohabiting, and you had no children together or no shared financial assets such as a house, then you may not require any formal separation agreement.  However, if you are unsure, it is always wise to seek some preliminary advice.

Putting children’s interests first

The day-to-day caring arrangements for children can be included within the terms of your separation agreement.  Laceys can ensure all issues are covered, such as holiday contact, paying for school trips, even what happens on Mother’s or Father’s Day.

The parent that does not live with the children will normally be obliged to pay child maintenance.  The level of maintenance will depend on their income and how many children there are, as well as how often they have their children overnight.  Laceys can advise you on the appropriate level of child maintenance, and negotiate terms for inclusion in your separation agreement.

If an agreement cannot be reached between you both then an application should be made to Child Maintenance Services.  However, you should be aware that if Child Maintenance Services have to collect payments, it will cost more.  If you are the paying parent, your payment will increase by 20%.  If you are the receiving parent you will receive 4% less.  We would therefore recommend that you try and reach an agreement.

If you would like any further advice about separation agreements, please contact our Family department on 01202 755980 or

Jonathan Talbot

Partner — Family

Direct dial: 01202 377844


Jonathan Talbot
  • “Jonathan has been amazing at helping me get a resolution with my ex-husband. He was a great listener when I was getting very upset about clauses in our old divorce agreement that were not being adhered to and reacted really quickly with a letter and support. I would not hesitate to ask Jonathan for help again but please excuse me if I hope that doesn’t happen for a while as we all know dealing with ex's is never much fun! Thank you Jonathan.”

    Sharron Davies, MBE

  • “Very happy with how you dealt with my case. Many thanks for your help and advice from Mr Talbot and his secretary.”

    Jan Saad

  • “Jonathan Talbot explained the process and how things would proceed. He was very patient allowing us time to understand and adapt to our new situation. Legal language can be quite difficult to understand and he would explain what it meant and how it would impact.”

    Rae Frederick

  • “I always use Laceys for my legal work, I feel able to talk to them and I know they listen. They have always been professional and kind.”

    Dawn Aston

  • “I’d like to extend heartfelt thanks to you and Shannon for helping me through this difficult time, I am really very appreciative to have had you on my team this year, you’ve been an enormous support. ”

    Mrs W

Jonathan heads up Laceys family department and having qualified as a Solicitor in 1983, he has over 35 years experience in Family Law.

He specialises in Family and Relationship Breakdowns, Financial Remedies, Collaborative Law and International Family Law.

Jonathan has a exceptional caring nature and will always strive to find solutions to family issues outside of the court if at all possible.

Outside of work Jonathan likes to keep himself busy by competing in Ironman 70.3’s when he gets the chance – which are no easy feat at having to complete a 1.2 mile swim, a 56-mile bike ride, and then a 13.1 mile run each race!

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