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Man with hidden disability

What employers need to know about hidden disabilities

12th January 2023 by Alana Penkethman

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Have you ever spotted someone wearing a lanyard with a sunflower as a means of indicating that they have a non-visible disability? What about those individuals who do not wish to share their disability, or those who may not know that they have one? Would you be confident that your workplace is inclusive for all, including those with hidden or invisible disabilities?

‘Employers are sometimes surprised by the level of support that they are legally required to provide to disabled employees,’ according to Alana Penkethman, employment expert at Laceys Solicitors. ‘What can come as an even greater surprise is that those legal obligations may arise even if the employee has not told their employer about the disability.’

Alana looks at hidden disabilities and debunks some common myths about what employers need to know to trigger their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010.

What is a disability?

The Equality Act 2010 has its own definition of disability. Whether or not someone is entitled to disability benefits or a blue badge is not conclusive. A disability can be physical or mental. It does not have to be a specific medical condition. A person is disabled if they have an impairment that has a substantial, long-term adverse impact on day-to-day activities. Day-to-day activities include reading and writing and social activity. The impact must have lasted for 12 months or be likely to last for at least 12 months.

Disabilities can be obvious, such as a mobility impairment or they may be less visible or only evident in certain circumstances. These are sometimes referred to as ‘hidden disabilities’ and can include asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, coeliac disease, depression, endometriosis, epilepsy, long covid, and narcolepsy.

The scope of disabilities under the Equality Act is wide. Specific conditions such as cancer automatically constitute a disability, even if the condition has not yet had an adverse impact on the individual.

Why does it matter?

Employees with a disability are protected under the Equality Act. This protects an employee from all forms of discrimination. Most employers recognise that equality does not always mean treating everyone the same; this principle is addressed in the Equality Act, and it creates a duty on employers to make reasonable adjustments for disabled employees.

Complying with this duty is no easy task. Employers may need to be open to doing things differently and to obtain input from an occupational health specialist or other expert. They may need to have constructive conversations with an employee on sensitive health issues. Ultimately it is for the employer to weigh up the different factors to determine what steps are reasonable. We can help you with this balancing act.    

The duty does not arise if the employer does not know that the employee is disabled, although the employee may argue that the employer should have known. If so, the employer has to be able to show that they could not reasonably have known that the employee was disabled. This is where employers can be vulnerable to a successful tribunal claim, as they must have done all that can be reasonably expected to find out if the employee has a disability. There are a number of myths surrounding this:

Myth #1 – we cannot ask employees about their health

Although there are restrictions on making pre-employment enquiries about an employee’s health, employers may ask questions for limited purposes, such as making reasonable adjustments. At other stages of the employment relationship, employers can ask questions about health, if relevant. This needs to be done sensitively and the information should be handled carefully. In particular, the information should not be shared any wider than necessary. We can advise you on the data protection requirements when handling information about your employees’ health.

Myth #2 – the employee has to declare their disability

There is no legal requirement on an employee to notify their employer of their disability. Employees may not even know that they would be considered disabled under the Equality Act or they may never have been diagnosed.

Myth #3 – an employer is not liable if the employee does not tell them

Employers can still be liable for disability discrimination or a failure to make reasonable adjustments, even if the employee does not inform them of the disability. The employer will be deemed to have known about the disability if reasonable enquiries would have led to the employer discovering that the employee was disabled. In short, employers should look out for clues and act on them.

Myth #4 – the employee generally seems fine so they cannot be disabled

In working out if an employee’s condition has a substantial, adverse, long-term impact, the employer has to ignore the effect of anything that might alleviate the impact. This means discounting medication, treatment and coping mechanisms. For example, a dyslexic employee may seem to cope with report writing but in fact works extra hours at home and gets a family member to check their writing.

How we can help

We can help you stay on the right side of the law and to support your disabled employees. For further information, please contact Alana on 01202 377 872 or email

This article is for general information only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Please note that the law may have changed since this article was published.

Alana Penkethman

Associate — Corporate and Commercial

Direct dial: 01202 377872


  • “It’s a comfort to be able to rely on people who are professional and honest in their approach, having had to face a situation with difficult requirements for the first time it was always going to be challenging. Alana advised us all the way through, provided highly professional advise and options and helped guide us through to a successful end. We are truly happy with the service and will continue to use Alana and Laceys as needed.”

    Derek Wright

  • “I used Laceys for an employment related matter and was extremely satisfied with the service that they provided. Alana was everything that I could have hoped for: calm, professional, objective, reassuring and empathetic. I would not hesitate to recommend them.”

    Rick Nurse

  • “Alana helped me through a extremely difficult and emotional period in a professional and supportive manner. The process was over swiftly and I am very satisfied with the service, so thank you for everything.”

    Bradley Thompson

  • “At the outset Alana understood what I required. Explained the process, and delivered on the service. I was very happy with the process and outcome.”

    Andrew Taylor

Alana is an Associate in our Corporate and Commercial team and is an expert employment lawyer. She advises businesses and individuals on matters arising from recruitment to termination.

Alana provides pragmatic advice, ensuring problems are resolved as quickly as possible, and in turn minimising disruption and stress to both parties. When litigation is unavoidable, Alana excels in negotiations and will deliver robust representation.

Since qualification in 2011, Alana has developed a specialism in discrimination matters, and is passionate about equality in the workplace.

When Alana is not working, she enjoys flying with a hot air balloon team and is a keen cyclist. She also enjoys live music and plays the saxophone.

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